Tuesday, September 27, 2011

In search of happiness....

Dear Friends,

In reality the paths of performance, results, recognition, power ,money, property etc are all leading to a single destination called happiness in life…we have applied conditions to something which is our innate nature in reality…to something which is available within us in abundance…the complexity in the name of advancement and competition has actually covered it so nicely that most brilliant one’s ,most successful one’s also seem to have lost their paths which lead to the destinations they are actually fighting for….you can find it very close to you ,within you in abundance when you derive joy and happiness in small small things around you in daily life almost the kids way.

Following if then model is about postponing happiness instaed living in the present...living every moment to it's fullest is the right path to happiness....kids need even a small reason to be happy...we loose that spirit in due course of growth ....infact the iinocent days we lived were filled with whole lot of happiness because our happiness was not dependent upon conditions ...rigid conditions...it was almost unconditional...even  a small reason was enough to make us laugh like anything.... 

Wish you a happy day ahead.
Thank you.

Warm Regards,

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