Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Spiritualism to Science....

Dear Friends,

When Gandhiji met with Eienstine during the Round Table conference he asked him what makes him come up with such brilliant discoveries he said ,”Probably it is my spiritual connect that makes me discover things .” He then explained his experience saying he used to go to a remote hill daily in search of internal connect while meditating a day he heard from somewhere a statement as if it was made by the skies upward…words can’t die was the statement he heard…he went on thinking about it what must be meaning of that statement…he discovered that  words if they don’t die that means words are actually sound energies which do not die …it means energy never dies …a critical scientific thinking about the same landed to the principle so famous as Law of Conservation of Energy which says…Energy is neither created nr destroyed it only transforms from one form to the other… he further said many of his discoveries had been born in the deepest silence of his mind…
Eienstine was the Scientist who learnt many of the Indian Spiritual practices and Meditational methods  and he spread them to the West. Infact many scientific discoveries find their origin in the deepest connect of the Scientist ‘s who almost lead the life of Yogis the Indian way. That is the strength of the inner world which influences the outer world on a continual basis. We can say that the Spiritual world had been behind the Scientific world in it’s genesis….
When we combine the Spiritual practices with  Scientific Practices it can help us to fight with challenges created by Competition and Complexities effectively and efficiently.

Wish you a great day ahead.
Thank you.

Warm Regards,

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