Sunday, July 24, 2011

Faith drives success...

Dear Friends,

It is the power of belief which can move mountains ,without self belief nothing concrete can take the shape.
When it comes to execution of small or a big idea it is the faith inside which gives immense confidence to pursue the purpose with highest determination against every odds. The absence of faith in one’s actions creates hollowness which distracts the efforts leading to failures. Is it necessary to do it? do you think you can do it???when there is yes for these questions the job is half done rest is learning to perfection…everybody has to follow this process from the bottom to the top .We sit on a chair cause we have a faith it would not break rather support us to sit comfortably ,we stand under a tree cause we have a faith that it would not break rather support us in staying away from scorching heat ,in the company of faithful people around we display our true personality and try to be what we are …unknowingly faith plays a role in our day to day life into our actions and people interactions...the sub conscious minds controls the whole activity.

Similarly when there exists faith ,self belief ,confidence it helps us to focus on the task in hand or so which reflects in the results we achieve  hence when you take any task in hand get the faith in place thinking about it from all the angles this increases the confidence level taking us to the next level of success inch by inch….

You have a great week ahead.
Thank you.

Warm Regards,
Philosopher, Author,Trainer,Educationist...

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